Letter From Susan Brecker:
Dear Family and Friends,
My husband, Michael Brecker, has been diagnosed with MDS (myelodysplastic
syndrome), and it's critical that he has a marrow or blood stem cell
transplant---which has nothing to do with the polarizing issue of
embryonic stem cells. The initial search for a donor, including
Michael's siblings and children, has not resulted in a suitable match.
We now hope to have as many people tested as
possible that share a similar genetic background as my husband. There
are some important points to understand concerning this process:
1. The screening involves only a blood test. It can be done very easily
at a donor center of the National Marrow Donor Program. The blood test
identifies your HLA tissue type. The cost for the test is generally $40
to $95 depending on the donor center and the laboratory that completes
the test. After this initial testing, all medical expenses are paid for
by the patient or the patient's
insurance. Go to
www.marrow.org or call 1-800-MARROW-2 to find the donor center
nearest you. In NYC, call Frazier at the NY Blood Bank [212-570-3441 /
310 East 67th Street] to make an appointment. The test is $40. If it's
difficult to make it to a blood center, private kits are available from
Tepnel Life Codes [800-915-3695]. Order the "HLA [A][B][DR]" kit for
$140. You will need to have a small vial of blood drawn. Indicate to
Tepnel that your test is for "Michael Brecker" and they will know to
whom to forward your results.
2. As a volunteer donor, you are never legally obligated to donate.
Individual decisions are always respected. However, a late decision not
to donate can be life-threatening to a patient and among the most
disheartening news a family can ever receive. Therefore, please
carefully consider your decision to be a donor.
3. Should you be selected as a potential donor for Michael or any other
patient, please understand that there have been tremendous advances in
"bone marrow transplants" and the term itself can be misleading. At
major cancer centers, blood stem cells can in nearly all instances be
harvested directly from your blood. A donor is simply connected to a
machine that separates the blood stem
cells before the donor's blood reenters his/her system. On occasion,
stem cells may have to be harvested directly from your bone marrow. All
the necessary precautions are taken to ensure the safety and well-being
of the donor. A number of personal health questions are asked when
individuals join the National Marrow Donor Program Registry to be sure
they are in general good health. In the event you're asked to donate
marrow or blood cells, a volunteer will first receive a thorough
physical examination-at no cost to him or herself.
4. A match for Michael would be most likely come from those of Eastern
European Jewish descent. If you or anyone you know are in this category
please make a special effort to immediately get tested. Ultimately, you
would be doing something not just for Michael, but for so many more who
are in a similar situation as my husband.
5. You are now part of our internet-based drive for donor testing. If
everyone who receives email can motivate a bunch of their friends to get
tested, and those friends then forward this email to get their friends
to get tested, we will have rapidly expanded the pool of potential
donors. I urge all of you to get tested AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Finally, any local National Marrow Donor Program donor center can assist
in organizing a drive for Michael, although it would be desirable if you
can get a large group, e.g. a synagogue, to sponsor it. The "Gift of
Life," an organization whose mission is to increase the representation
of the Jewish people in the bone marrow donor pool, will test you for
free when part of a donor drive organized through "Gift of Life." Call
561.988.0100 [
http://www.giftoflife.org] for further information. There exist
other organizations that have a similar mission for African Americans,
Asians, Hispanics, etc. Whatever your roots, please get tested to
assist others!
Should you have any questions about any of this, please do not hesitate
to get in touch with Michael's management office at 212.302.9200 or
Thank you so much for your love and support. We are so grateful.
Susan ox